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The XVIIth International Congress of Celtic Studies will be held in Utrecht, 24-28 July 2023.
The International Congress of Celtic Studies is the foremost international gathering of scholars researching the languages, literatures and cultural traditions of the Celtic-speaking peoples. Held once every four years, the Congress provides a forum in which experts from across the full range of Celtic Studies — including literature, linguistics, history, archaeology, musicology and art history — come together to share the fruits of their work.
We are delighted to welcome the Celtic Studies Community to the medieval city of Utrecht. Please note that the opening ceremony, the plenaries, and the closing ceremony will be streamed.
The logo for this edition of ICCS honours the Celtic heritage of the Netherlands, with a Celtic coin dated to approximately 100 BCE. It was found in Brabant (the South of the Netherlands), and it is currently kept at the Rijksmuseum van Oudheden in Leiden.
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Utrecht University Institute for Cultural Inquiry

Wijnand Fockinck Jenever/Lucas Bols